La familia

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La familia – The family

Con este vocabulario vas a poder hablar acerca de los diferentes mienbros de tu familia.

English explanation - (Expand only if you need it...)

With this vocabulary you will be able to talk about the different members of your family.

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La Familia The family
Madre Mother
Padre Father
Hermano Brother
Hermana Sister
Hijo Son
Hija Daugther
Abuelo Grandfather
Abuela Grandmother
Nieta Granddaughter
Nieto Grandson
Tío Uncle
Tía Aunt
Primo Cousin
Cuñado brother-in-law
Cuñada sister-in-law
Yerno son-in-law
Nuera daughter-in-law
Suegro father-in-law
Suegra Mother-in-law
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