Los transportes
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Los transportes
Los medios de transporte nos facilitan movernos de un lugar a otro, entre los más comunes se pueden encontrar los siguientes.
English explanation - (Expand only if you need it...)
The means of transport make it easy for us to transport from one place to another, among the most common we can find are the following.
Los Transportes | The transports |
Carro | Car |
Camión | Truck |
Autobús | Bus |
Microbús | Minibus |
Taxi | Cab |
Furgoneta | Van |
Tren | Train |
Tranvía | Trolley car |
Metro | Subway |
Motocicleta | Motorcycle |
Bicicleta | Bicycle |
Avión | Airplane |
Avioneta | Plane |
Helicóptero | Helicopter |
Barco | Ship |
Barca | Boat |
Submarino | Submarine |
Globo aerostatico | Hot air balloon |
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